
Friday, May 4, 2012

9 Things You Must Do to Protect Eyes

<img alt='healthy eyes' src='http://i48.tinypic.com/33zb3bl.jpg'/>

The eyes are the windows to the world that we must protect and care for her as quickly as possible. Here are 9 things you should do to protect the health of the eye, as quoted from iVillage, Tuesday (05/01/2012):

1. Know When The Right Time to Check Rates
Even with perfect vision, everyone needs to get an eye exam since I was 20 years ago, followed by regular checkups every few years after that. In addition, at the age of 40 years, the basic scanning to determine the risk of blinding diseases like glaucoma also needs to be done.

"You might not realize there are problems with your eyes, but your eye doctor can identify even subtle changes and indicate the presence of eye disease," said Stephanie Marioneaux, MD, spokesman for the American Academy of Ophtalmology.

"The doctor can see early signs of other health problems such as hypertension, diabetes or lupus."

If you wear glasses, see your eye doctor at least once every two years, but if you use contact lenses, see your eye doctor once a year.

2. Black Glasses Wear Throughout The Year
Just like sunscreen, use sunglasses every time you leave the house. "UV rays cause cumulative damage to the eye that can lead to conditions such as cataracts," says Marioneaux.

"Wear sunglasses on sunny or cloudy days because UV rays can penetrate clouds." Sunglasses are not too expensive also be used as long as you block 100 percent UVA and UVB rays.

Glasses with models that cover almost all parts of the eye is the best option so that sunlight can not enter from the side. Even if your contact lenses have UV protection, add extra cover.

3. Learn to Treat Dry Eye
Normally we blink about 12-15 times a minute, but at the computer, we continued to stare at the screen and just flashes 5-6 times per minute.

"At that time, the tears evaporate and moisten the eye can cause dry eyes, a condition that involves a stinging sensation and sand in your eye or eyes to excessive amounts of water," said Richard Bensinger, MD, spokesman for the American Academy of Ophthalmology.

Changes in hormones, autoimmune diseases and medications such as antihistamines also contribute to dry eye.

Relieve the symptoms of dry eye by applying a warm wet cloth on your eyes for a few minutes after waking. Never far from a bottle of artificial tears, but if you need it more than once every two hours, choose brands that are free of preservatives.

4. Do not misused Contact Lenses
Rest your eyes and occasionally wear your glasses. Do not sleep with contact lenses.

Clean the contact lenses with fresh solution (never with water) every time, rub the lens to eliminate the irritation even if you use a no-rub solution. Clean the contact lens storage solution and replace you with a place every 2-3 months.

If your eyes are red, blurred vision, watery or sensitivity to light, replace with glasses and contact your eye doctor.

5. Consider your eye makeup
Remove your makeup before bed, especially mascara which can be pieces that go into your eyes. If you suffer from dry eyes, avoid metallic or shimmering shades of mascara which can increase the irritation of the eyes, especially for contact lens users.

In addition, replace your mascara every 6 weeks if you use it every day because bacteria can grow in mascara tubes, said Marioneaux.

If you have an eye infection, replace all your eye makeup products so your eyes will not get infected again and do not ever share eye makeup.

6. Wear Safety Glasses
Nearly half of all types of eye injuries occur in or around the house. Wear eye protection equipment with side panel when using the machines used at home such as lawn mowers to prevent fragments into your eyes.

You also need to wear safety glasses when sanding something or using hazardous chemicals such as oven cleaners or furniture.

Do not forget the eye protection gear if you do high-risk sports such as badminton.

7. Rest Your Eyes from the Computer
Computer TIDA will hurt your eyes, but it makes your eyes tired, or a condition referred to as computer vision syndrome (CVS). "You sit in one place and your eyes focused on one thing for hours," said Bensinger. "Your eyes are not designed for it. At other activity such as walking, your focus is constantly changing."

Therefore, the "Rest your eyes every 20 minutes by looking at something far away for 20 seconds. Useful to change your focus and relax the eye muscles."

8. Eat Healthy Food for the Eyes
Foods high in nutrients such as vitamins C and E, zinc, lutein and omega-3 fatty acids are often associated with a reduced risk of diseases like age-related macular degeneration (AMD) and cataracts.

Choose fruits such as oranges, nuts, whole grains, dark green leafy vegetables and fish such as salmon or sardines.

People who are at risk of AMD such as family history should ask the doctor about a supplement called AREDS formula that could slow the progress of the disease.

Dry eye can also be alleviated by supplementing the diet with omega-3, both from food and supplements (but do not forget to ask your doctor about the dose).

9. Know Which Alarming Symptoms
Specific symptoms that occur in the eyes may indicate that you should immediately see an eye doctor, Bensinger said.

Make an appointment with your doctor as soon as possible if there is pain or decreased vision in one eye, red eye does not heal within 1-2 days, if you suddenly sensitive to light because it means there are signs that enable the emergence of infection, injury or early symptoms of eye disease.

There was sand in your eyes, red eyes, watery and / or pain when you blink can also indicate corneal abrasion. The sooner you see a doctor, the sooner you get her drugs and save your eyesight.


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