
Wednesday, December 12, 2012

The Lemonade Diet Weight Loss Supplement

<img alt='Supplement' src='http://i47.tinypic.com/8y54rb.jpg'/>

The Master Cleanse Diet has been gaining in popularity from celebrities to regular people alike. So it should be no secret that the lemonade diet weight loss supplement is also popular. The normal process is actually easy to follow as it requires you to substitute your meals with a lemonade, maple syrup and cayenne pepper mixture. 

It normally requires a person to undergo three phases which are as follows:

1. The Ease-in.

This lasts for three days and is meant to gently coax a person into the diet. On the first day you are asked to ban every food except fruits and vegetables. On the second day, you start the liquid diet composed of soup, fruit juices and vegetable juices. On the third day, you are allowed to drink orange juice along with water.

2. The Actual Diet.

Food is substituted with a mixture of freshly squeezed lemon, water, maple syrup and cayenne pepper. You are also asked to take a laxative or a saltwater flush to promote digestion. Although there is no set duration for this diet, it is recommended to go on this cleansing diet for a period of 14 days. You can, however, opt to do it in a shorter or longer span of time.

3. The Ease Out.

In this phase, you do the reverse of the ease-in. On the first day, you drink orange juice. The second day you could have soups and other juices, and on the last day you can have your fruits and vegetables.

This diet was flagged by a lot of nutritionist as unhealthy because of the lack of nutrients the said diet delivers to the body. It has also been found that once off the diet, the person would pack on the pounds, mainly because there is no change in eating habits or activity.

Despite this, many people still do the Master Cleanse diet because it is a fast and effective weight loss program. More than the weight loss, it is meant to be a detox regimen that cleanses your body of toxins. It also aims to mentally change your relationship with food so you can make better choices. The cleanse is also meant to be done once in a while to continuously purge the body.

There are a lot of things to consider when doing the cleanse. The first is that you are required to drink the mixture 5-10 minutes after you make it to avoid letting the cayenne pepper steep. Your lemons also have to be fresh and preferably not refrigerated so as to have the optimal amount of enzymes for the diet.

Another option is to use the lemonade diet weight loss supplement as a substitute. This pill is composed of all the goodness of the lemonade mixture assuring you that you have A-grade maple syrup and the maximum amount of enzymes. It also saves you from downing the glass of sweet, sour and spicy mixture. It is also convenient as it doesn't require you to make your own mixture by squeezing the lemon juice and accurately measuring your ingredients. This would make the diet even easier and more effective.


  1. You may have heard of it’s great taste, and easily the top Casein protein supplement in the industry is Cytosport’s Muscle Milk.


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