
Sunday, December 9, 2012

When the Foot Pain What to Do?

<img alt='bad-feet-pain' src='http://i46.tinypic.com/16c3z2g.jpg'/>

Our feet are the most used (& abused) part of our body. The feet carries our weight most of the day when they work, walk, & even play. Getting it hurt or feeling tension & stress in it is feasible. Like any other body part, looking after the feet is crucial so that they make sure that our feet are working at its best. Let us take a glance in to what comprises our foot. It is a complex structure of 26 bones & 33 joints layered with an intertwining web of over 120 muscles, ligaments, & nerves. 

Imagine this composition if part gets affected by pain, untoward incident or injury, or a foot issue, it will certainly finish up in to foot pain. On a typical day, a standard person would take about 8,000 to ten, 9000 steps. With each step, about 2-3 times of the usual force is placed on our feet. It is no surprise that 70% of people will suffer from foot pain at some time of their lives. Some of the causes of foot pains are heel pain, ball of foot pain (metatarsalgia), callous & corns, arch pain, bunions, flat feet, Achilles Tendonitis, & aching feet. Knee pain, lower back pain, & shin pain can also cause pain. Of coursework, there's other causes specific to a person.

The treatment varies depending on its cause. So, when the foot pain what to do?
First thing in mind ought to be to take care of your feet before anything else. Be kind to your feet. Wear appropriate & right shoes & foot wear. Give your feet a break. Do not overtire them & give them frequent rests as they deserve. Indulge your feet with a spa as well as a pleasant massage.

<img alt='HEEL PAIN FOOT' src='http://i49.tinypic.com/2960x7q.jpg'/>

When you are already experiencing foot pain, here are some of the simple things you can do to diminish the pain.  

one. Take rest breaks for your feet. You can elevate it a bit when you have had a walk or have used it. You can massage it lightly as you are resting. A warm compress can also help relax the muscles & improve blood flow.

 two. Seeing a podiatrist can help you evaluate the way you use your feet & the way you can take care of them. A podiatrist can evaluate your condition well & see whether there's underlying reasons for your foot pain. You are given proper advise & treatment.

 three. Use of appropriate foot products that can help your feet function to its best form. You do not must suffer from foot pain. Understand how your feet works & what you need to do to take care of them. Afterwards, you will recognize you ought to be doing more for what supports your whole body than what you already know.



  1. Tendinitis pain in the feet can be relieved with electrode therapy. It is effective and it is not a medication. Click HERE to learn more

  2. Don't ignore your foot pain, it will turn more serious and complicated afterwards.

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