
Sunday, February 17, 2013

How to Get Your Child To Try New Foods

<img alt='feeding your child' src='http://i46.tinypic.com/2s8mj9x.jpg'/>
On the hand, every kid will at some point start being whimsical and choosy with his/her food; this is the result of their changing metabolism and growing rate, but also because they need to assert their independence. On the other hand, parents' duty is to make positive that their kid gets all his/her vitamins and proteins, and will cease at nothing in their quest. When parents and kids are at war with each other, the odds can flip on either side: the kid eats only what he/she desires or the parents find some creative ways of tricking him/her in to eating healthy without knowing it.
Lots of parents opt for the second conflict resolution strategy for obvious reasons, and although it can be a success with some kids, others won't fall for it. Let's have a glance at a number of the wisest ways of teaching your kid that trying new foods is both fun and healthy meal plans for kids.

1. Offer options and make meal time fun.

The first rule to encouraging diversity is to offer options. For example, you can make dishes and have the kid pick which he/she desires to eat, in this way he/she will feel empowered and not trapped in to doing something. Or better yet, have the kid select ingredients from each in order to make her/his custom plate. Keep in mind that you can also beauty your kid in to eating healthy by playing creatively with the colors, by arranging comic food displays or by mixing a favourite dish with some new ingredients.

2· Disguise vegetables.

With a choosy eater, vegetables are probably the hardest ingredient to swallow and will often finish up on the floor. But in case you try to puree and add them to the main work, chances are that kids won't tell the difference and eat them anyway. If the kid enjoys eating fruits, there is nothing simpler than throwing in some carrots in his/her every day dose of homemade fruit juice.

3· Get kids involved in the cooking process.

Besides being fun one-on-one quality time, having your kid help you with preparing breakfast, lunch or dinner will also teach him/her about responsibility and variety. A kid, who has actively participated in the cooking process, will in the finish be curious to taste the finish result because of all the work and time invested in to it. In this way, he/she can better appreciate the food and actually enjoy it more.

4· Avoid forcing them in to eating, in lieu apply corresponding punishment.

 as with any other misbehavior, refusing to eat ought to be follow by disciplinary consequences. Having a gentle punishment (i.e. no more TV time) prepared whenever this happens is better that resorting to ultimatums like "You are not allowed to go to your room until you finish everything on your plate!". In time the kid will try to keep away from the punishment and will prefer conforming to your requests.

Abigail Simmons is Author of Positive Parenting Secrets Book. He's helped lots of parents solve their parenting issue using her practical positive parenting techniques about good food for children..



  1. Those are very useful and practical tips to make the children eat different varieties of healthy food. Parents needs to have lot of patience as well as time management.

    1. agree, that is our duty to determine the right food for the children, the wrong foods can cause stunted growth of children.thanks for visit doctor:).nice to meet you.
