Showing posts with label health of the pregnant woman. Show all posts
Showing posts with label health of the pregnant woman. Show all posts

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Advice !!! Foot Health during Pregnancy

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Podiatrist's encounter many foot problems during and after pregnancy. From cramps and itchiness to swelling and aching, our feet can often feel very uncomfortable throughout pregnancy and following the birth.

Hormonal changes and natural weight gain have a huge impact on the body and the feet bear the brunt of the major changes that a woman's body will go through. Swollen feet, swollen ankles and arch and heel pain are the main causes of foot pain in pregnant women. 

 Muscles and ligaments stretch and soften because of an increase in the ovarian hormone relaxin, which makes your feet more prone to ankle and ligament strains on a daily basis.

The choice of footwear can also be a factor in the cause of foot problems during pregnancy.
 A shoe with a heel of approximately 1.2in (3cm) is recommended as they will help to shift the weight further forward on the feet. This can help to reduce any pain or discomfort. 

Wide fitting and supportive shoes will minimise discomfort and help to avoid long term damage. Choosing a shoe with a strap can help the shoe to stay in place although fiddly straps can sometimes cause problems in later stages of the pregnancy when you may struggle to reach your feet. If high heels are a must they should only be worn occasionally or when you know you will be able to sit down through the day. On a daily basis, a supportive shoe should be worn.

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When shopping for shoes try to shop later in the day as feet can swell throughout the day. Ensure that the shoes fit well before you leave the shop as it is a common myth that you can break in a pair of shoes - this is not true. Shoes with a round or square toe are recommended. If you are buying boots, make sure that there is room in the calf area as they calves can swell.

Choose a boot with a side zip fastening as they will be easier to take on and off - this will be much more appreciated towards the end of your pregnancy! Keeping active is also recommended to help reduce the risk of cramps and swelling.

Do check with your midwife or GP before starting an exercise program. If you do experience arch pain or general foot pain make an appointment with your Podiatrist to see how he or she could help you. If necessary an orthotic device can be prescribed to make your feet feel much more comfortable - as any pregnant woman will know, this may provide much needed relief.

Posted by: Dhia Uddin HEALTH CENTER INFORMATION Updated at: 12:31 PM

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Pregnant Women Need A lot of Good Eating Bacteria

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Bacterial role in the human body contained 10 times more in number than the number of body cells. Some of these bacteria are needed by the body, especially in the digestive process and immune system development. Consuming good bacteria will strengthen the immune and digestive systems.

Bacteria that are beneficial to the body are called probiotics. According to World Health Organization or WHO, probiotics are living organisms that if in sufficient quantities will be beneficial to its host. Types of probiotics are beneficial to the body is bifidiobakterium and some types of lactobacilli.

Probiotics are contained naturally in the human body. Ie in the digestive tract. Originally known beneficial probiotics to strengthen the digestive system. However, some studies also found that probiotics are very well taken by pregnant women for the health of her baby.

Consumption of probiotics during pregnancy is beneficial for the digestive system and strengthen the immune system of infants, reducing the risk of eczema and allergies in babies, baby also reduce the risk of developing obesity and diabetes mellitus.

"Babies can get probiotics from the mother during pregnancy and through breast milk. That's why milk is good for strengthening the immune system of infants. But unfortunately, the ASI is not a standard product. For probiotic content in breast milk varies from each woman," said Erika Isolauri , MD, D. Med. Sci, a pediatrician from the University of Turku in Finland role in the press conference organized by Nestle Nutrition Institute in San Sari Pacific Hotel, Jakarta (03/13/2012).

So far, people tend to assume identical with yogurt and probiotic fermented milk. In fact, according to Dr. Erika, not a probiotic yogurt, fermented milk products but only. In the yogurt, there are good bacteria called lactobacilli. However, yogurt also contain other bacteria that are not necessarily good for the body.

"In Finland, research on probiotics has been for several decades. Probiotics can be found in some food products that includes content such as juice and yogurt probiotiknya enriched. It's good to see first customers in the packaging label to find out the types of bacteria contained in the product before consume it, "said Dr. Erika.

Dr. Erika said, the type of beneficial probiotic bacteria are Lactobacillus lactis rhamnossus and Bifidiobacterium. One of the advantages of probiotics is the body would never be able to experience the advantages of probiotics. Therefore, probiotics interact with other bacteria in the body so that the numbers are always balanced naturally by the body's mechanisms.

Posted by: Dhia Uddin HEALTH CENTER INFORMATION Updated at: 12:14 PM

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Causes & How to Overcome Baby Blues

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After birth, a mother can be so easy to hate even to cry for the baby. It happened because the mother had the baby blues. What causes it? How can I fix this?

A baby is fun, but some women may not realize that it is also exhausting. After the birth mother must be very happy to have a baby and feel loved by the couple. But knowing the other side without it, you're crying so easy even things that do not normally bother you are stressed out.

Sensitive to stress and emotions that can cause fatigue, insomnia or anxiety. May go up or appetite. Stress can be amplified so that if you are concerned whether it can be a good mother port, won the baby enough milk, why babies cry all the time, and so on.

The whole feeling of fear in the so-called 'baby blues'. Feelings of anxiety after childbirth is a normal thing that happens in the first weeks after birth.

Causes and handling method

After delivery, your body will change quickly. Decreased hormone levels, breast up, breast will enlarge and you feel tired. Physical problems such as this is one of the factors is the emergence of anxiety.

Lack of sleep can also aggravate this condition, so that an adequate rest. In addition to the emotional factors influence these symptoms. Because you suddenly gain new functions, such as becoming a mother worried about your baby's condition and to the transition period. But the good news is, this feeling is not a disease, and will disappear by itself. Support from family and friends will be very helpful.

If feelings of sadness or anxiety that began to bother trying, in a conversation with someone you trust. Husband or your mother's example. Friends who may have borne no children, the person to whom you are sharing. Usually they are more aware and able to calm the fear.

If people, including baby-blues feel

Not only you, but people can experience your friends and immediate family, the baby blues. Do you feel tired, do not believe in yourself can be a burden to them because it had never experienced this before.

If they do then you try to convince the mother that her experience is not the only women who are the baby blues. Just listen to your complaint kesahnya, as well as the Spirit gave him. Then tell him that he had to do everything well. Give attention to it by receiving a text message from him, make him dinner, and help him out a timetable and a list of priorities as to where the things he should first be completed and which may be delayed.

Baby blues or postpartum depression

People sometimes confuse the baby blues to postpartum depression, because two things have the same symptoms. So where do you know if you experience these baby blues or depression?

In the first few weeks, it is definitely too have emotional ups and downs. Mother can be happy, but it quickly became a happy feeling tears.

If feelings of fear and kept emotional ups and downs that go for more than three weeks after birth, the mother should contact her doctor or midwife and ask for professional help. If the mother has a history of depression and family history in the history of the problem is contained, then you are likely to see.
Posted by: Dhia Uddin HEALTH CENTER INFORMATION Updated at: 8:49 AM