
Saturday, February 25, 2012

6 The Destructive Confidence Men

<img alt='Destructive Confidence Men' src='http://i50.tinypic.com/20h96ab.jpg'/>

Men are often superior to, when they look at women in the comparison. But that does not mean they are not so sensitive and emotional, especially when it comes to trust.

Can be very fragile male ego dah slightly injured, more fragile than women. A number of studies of how My Self-development is quoted, men were more difficult to cultivate trust him - if it has been tarnished - as women. These six things he was able to eliminate the trust of people quickly.

1. Financial Affairs
Not enough money is an important factor in male self-confidence. It has long been a man, to be regarded as the backbone of the family. Therefore, it is certainly good response from the family of the wife or girlfriend to get one when you earn enough, or more. Men also feel judged when enough money to save in your wallet or bank account.

2.Second Too dominant pair
Domination is a word that is completely connected to the figure of a man. From the first he has to be 'determined' to be more robust and so the ruler. If he is a woman who is too dominant in the relationship, their confidence could be deleted. For him, it might look weak in front of his friends and others.

3.Third Denied
The rejection here are not always on the approach. It could also rejected the parents of his girlfriend for their relationship, or a hostile attitude from the woman's family. Courtship built quite a long time, but should be able to break in the middle of the road to leave permanent scars on his ego and undermine confidence.

It took a long time for him to commit in a relationship or marriage. If the commitment was undermined because she has an affair, but a broken heart, had his confidence is also torn. Because he can not as a pretty good lover to be, so its partners turned to another man is not long before him to cultivate his new confidence and a love story.

5.Problems at work
Most men want to be respected, including the current work environment. Problems at work will give him the feeling that people are less able to do a good job. Therefore, most men are reluctant to talk about their partner in the office.

6.Criticized in Public Places
Most men want to look like a leader while walking with his girlfriend in public. So, criticize, or when her boyfriend, make jokes, to discredit him before others, he is insulted, and his confidence will fade.

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