
Saturday, February 25, 2012

Causes & How to Overcome Baby Blues

<img alt='How to Overcome Baby Blues' src='http://i48.tinypic.com/i69spc.jpg'/>
After birth, a mother can be so easy to hate even to cry for the baby. It happened because the mother had the baby blues. What causes it? How can I fix this?

A baby is fun, but some women may not realize that it is also exhausting. After the birth mother must be very happy to have a baby and feel loved by the couple. But knowing the other side without it, you're crying so easy even things that do not normally bother you are stressed out.

Sensitive to stress and emotions that can cause fatigue, insomnia or anxiety. May go up or appetite. Stress can be amplified so that if you are concerned whether it can be a good mother port, won the baby enough milk, why babies cry all the time, and so on.

The whole feeling of fear in the so-called 'baby blues'. Feelings of anxiety after childbirth is a normal thing that happens in the first weeks after birth.

Causes and handling method

After delivery, your body will change quickly. Decreased hormone levels, breast up, breast will enlarge and you feel tired. Physical problems such as this is one of the factors is the emergence of anxiety.

Lack of sleep can also aggravate this condition, so that an adequate rest. In addition to the emotional factors influence these symptoms. Because you suddenly gain new functions, such as becoming a mother worried about your baby's condition and to the transition period. But the good news is, this feeling is not a disease, and will disappear by itself. Support from family and friends will be very helpful.

If feelings of sadness or anxiety that began to bother trying, in a conversation with someone you trust. Husband or your mother's example. Friends who may have borne no children, the person to whom you are sharing. Usually they are more aware and able to calm the fear.

If people, including baby-blues feel

Not only you, but people can experience your friends and immediate family, the baby blues. Do you feel tired, do not believe in yourself can be a burden to them because it had never experienced this before.

If they do then you try to convince the mother that her experience is not the only women who are the baby blues. Just listen to your complaint kesahnya, as well as the Spirit gave him. Then tell him that he had to do everything well. Give attention to it by receiving a text message from him, make him dinner, and help him out a timetable and a list of priorities as to where the things he should first be completed and which may be delayed.

Baby blues or postpartum depression

People sometimes confuse the baby blues to postpartum depression, because two things have the same symptoms. So where do you know if you experience these baby blues or depression?

In the first few weeks, it is definitely too have emotional ups and downs. Mother can be happy, but it quickly became a happy feeling tears.

If feelings of fear and kept emotional ups and downs that go for more than three weeks after birth, the mother should contact her doctor or midwife and ask for professional help. If the mother has a history of depression and family history in the history of the problem is contained, then you are likely to see.

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