
Saturday, February 25, 2012

So it is difficult for the child's parents arranged for being too pampering

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Spoil the child was not injured. But if too much, what with the mother of three children, could it happen to you. The mother felt her son turned into a "monster".

The British woman was shocked when I saw them suddenly very angry. The boy threw his legs up on the table. The reason? Just because there is a green vegetable fried noodles.

"Mother, you know, I do not like it, why put it there," cried the child. The mother tried to calm the anger of the child. But it happened, her daughter was actually dump noodles on the floor.

Anger is certainly what his mother is sad. But he did not blame anybody. The mother knew that she and her husband, just as some parents from the middle class in general always have an excuse to indulge their children.

Parents who wish their children would spoil the child is not always angry. So rather than address the child's anger, they chose to serve, what is so kemauannnya.

Phillip Hodson are of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy recognizes children now in a position to get more easily stressed and angry. "You feel in with as much information eskpos excessive television, computer games, helplessly and hold a cell phone that reads," Phillip said as quoted in the Daily Mail.

All of the above is what children are easily stressed and angry. Therefore suggested Phillip seek active children.

"Keep it up active! Make them off the couch, even if it's only up and down stairs several times," he said.

If it turns out the kids for a child who is already active, try to get your parents to look in the mirror. Who knows, you and your husband, it turns out that the transfer of stress and anger in children.

"Children are very good mimic. If you are a grumpy, chances are you also like to educate children," said Phillip.

Children who are easily disturbed because his parents spoiled, it can also occur due to lack of time for them. Parents who both work, have no long time to spend with their children. The children were ultimately dependent on the caregiver or the person who feed him.

If that happens, the parents feel guilty. When children are little, what should not be, parents felt it was because of them, so that justification is made.

The parents ignore it with the attitude that children do not have. Although the orangua indifferent, became more and more into the relationship of the child. The child really wants to make his parents' attention.

Causes & How to Overcome Baby Blues

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After birth, a mother can be so easy to hate even to cry for the baby. It happened because the mother had the baby blues. What causes it? How can I fix this?

A baby is fun, but some women may not realize that it is also exhausting. After the birth mother must be very happy to have a baby and feel loved by the couple. But knowing the other side without it, you're crying so easy even things that do not normally bother you are stressed out.

Sensitive to stress and emotions that can cause fatigue, insomnia or anxiety. May go up or appetite. Stress can be amplified so that if you are concerned whether it can be a good mother port, won the baby enough milk, why babies cry all the time, and so on.

The whole feeling of fear in the so-called 'baby blues'. Feelings of anxiety after childbirth is a normal thing that happens in the first weeks after birth.

Causes and handling method

After delivery, your body will change quickly. Decreased hormone levels, breast up, breast will enlarge and you feel tired. Physical problems such as this is one of the factors is the emergence of anxiety.

Lack of sleep can also aggravate this condition, so that an adequate rest. In addition to the emotional factors influence these symptoms. Because you suddenly gain new functions, such as becoming a mother worried about your baby's condition and to the transition period. But the good news is, this feeling is not a disease, and will disappear by itself. Support from family and friends will be very helpful.

If feelings of sadness or anxiety that began to bother trying, in a conversation with someone you trust. Husband or your mother's example. Friends who may have borne no children, the person to whom you are sharing. Usually they are more aware and able to calm the fear.

If people, including baby-blues feel

Not only you, but people can experience your friends and immediate family, the baby blues. Do you feel tired, do not believe in yourself can be a burden to them because it had never experienced this before.

If they do then you try to convince the mother that her experience is not the only women who are the baby blues. Just listen to your complaint kesahnya, as well as the Spirit gave him. Then tell him that he had to do everything well. Give attention to it by receiving a text message from him, make him dinner, and help him out a timetable and a list of priorities as to where the things he should first be completed and which may be delayed.

Baby blues or postpartum depression

People sometimes confuse the baby blues to postpartum depression, because two things have the same symptoms. So where do you know if you experience these baby blues or depression?

In the first few weeks, it is definitely too have emotional ups and downs. Mother can be happy, but it quickly became a happy feeling tears.

If feelings of fear and kept emotional ups and downs that go for more than three weeks after birth, the mother should contact her doctor or midwife and ask for professional help. If the mother has a history of depression and family history in the history of the problem is contained, then you are likely to see.

After a couple married for fat women and how to fix them

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Marriage is a moment in life is to have waited for many people. After her marriage in general lifestyle, priorities, including the physical appearance changed unconsciously. Quite a few women, the fat, after the wedding. There are several factors why women may be more shows after the wedding.

A research has shown, a married woman with an average increase of about 63 percent of the amount of fat in the first three years after marriage. A fact also mentioned that women experience higher levels of obesity than men.

As quoted from the Red Book, there are four factors that you may be fat after marriage.

A. Relax while eating
Having recently married, you definitely want to be alone with her husband, especially during leisure time. Perhaps you read a book on the couch or watching TV alone in the house to create a warm atmosphere. However, not a few women who wear little to eat as a snack on while relaxing with a partner. "Most of the time involved for making out with your partner at home and whenever food for both of us use," said Jeffrey Shobal, Ph.D., a nutritionist at Cornell University, Ithaca, New York.

The Fix:
Not only reducing the time that you take care not to look fat marriage. You can create moments of togetherness with a jog in the morning and afternoon, to go along, or maybe a walk after dinner, outside of sexual activities you and your partner.

If still not enough, try a pet, how to have dogs. According to research at the University of Missouri, Saint Louis, United States, people who the dog for 20 minutes per day and are performed routinely to lose about 14 pounds in one year.

Second The children have
You can experience a dramatic increase in body weight after the birth. Typically, the weight is 3 kg, they won 10 and after birth. The increase will continue to rise after the child grows. Couples who already have children, eat 34 grams of fat per week may, in pairs in comparison, had no children. The flood of work and family care, you could eat a diet high in fat, such as pizza or a burger.

The Fix:
Provide healthy foods, like vegetables, brown rice, chicken or fish every weekend. Or try these tips to cook healthy meals from the Internet or other media

Third Family is everything
If you are single, you can eat almost anything, such as instant noodles or a bowl of cereal to fill the stomach. After the marriage, will change all this. You have a husband who looks to be including food. Research shows that married couples usually meet the tastes of the two. Man's taste, you can eat more foods high in fat and sugar.

Create a menu of dishes that the amount of fiber carbohydrates such as vegetables, instead of increasing the use of flour or bread. You should also eat more fruit.

4th No time for you
If your daily busy with various activities. From the beginning to the care of family, work and other activities that you forget to take care of themselves make. The food you eat is not even considered.

The Fix:
Ramona Braganza, a private coach and Kate Beckinsale brand ambassador and Gold's Gym, suggested: "Find the time of day to burn your calories Perhaps you could Gym Class followed by a week or you can also exercise aeorbik .. for 20 minutes every week

6 The Destructive Confidence Men

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Men are often superior to, when they look at women in the comparison. But that does not mean they are not so sensitive and emotional, especially when it comes to trust.

Can be very fragile male ego dah slightly injured, more fragile than women. A number of studies of how My Self-development is quoted, men were more difficult to cultivate trust him - if it has been tarnished - as women. These six things he was able to eliminate the trust of people quickly.

1. Financial Affairs
Not enough money is an important factor in male self-confidence. It has long been a man, to be regarded as the backbone of the family. Therefore, it is certainly good response from the family of the wife or girlfriend to get one when you earn enough, or more. Men also feel judged when enough money to save in your wallet or bank account.

2.Second Too dominant pair
Domination is a word that is completely connected to the figure of a man. From the first he has to be 'determined' to be more robust and so the ruler. If he is a woman who is too dominant in the relationship, their confidence could be deleted. For him, it might look weak in front of his friends and others.

3.Third Denied
The rejection here are not always on the approach. It could also rejected the parents of his girlfriend for their relationship, or a hostile attitude from the woman's family. Courtship built quite a long time, but should be able to break in the middle of the road to leave permanent scars on his ego and undermine confidence.

It took a long time for him to commit in a relationship or marriage. If the commitment was undermined because she has an affair, but a broken heart, had his confidence is also torn. Because he can not as a pretty good lover to be, so its partners turned to another man is not long before him to cultivate his new confidence and a love story.

5.Problems at work
Most men want to be respected, including the current work environment. Problems at work will give him the feeling that people are less able to do a good job. Therefore, most men are reluctant to talk about their partner in the office.

6.Criticized in Public Places
Most men want to look like a leader while walking with his girlfriend in public. So, criticize, or when her boyfriend, make jokes, to discredit him before others, he is insulted, and his confidence will fade.